We have been Blessed 8+ years with food and drinks from BARGAINMAX Discount
Groceries For Cheap prices on food and Blessing us with food!!!
We are Blessed to receive two desks, piano and office items from Lance and
Amanda from American Storage, on South Tryon Street. To top it off, God also Blessed this Ministry with the pews, pulpit,
communion table and every thing else needed inside the church, even the rugs. Prasie God for Paster Ted in Reidsville,
We thank God for Penske Truck Rental, for the Trucks they Blessed us with.
God Will Supply All Our Needs,"AMEN". I have to give thanks for my sister Tillie and her husband Kevin, and brother
in-law Robert, "P-wee". We also thank God for Trustee Larry Shells and Minister Bruce Chambers and all the
loving wives letting them go for over 13 hours!!! "Smile, I love you my Brothers" THANK YOU & GOD BLESS
YOU AND YOUR HOUSEHOLD. This is what Gal. 5:22-23 says, "But the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
gentleness, goodness and faith."(23)- Meekness, temperance: "against such there is no law..."
Let us love one another and be our Brothers Keeper!!!
We will be Breaking Ground this Summer for the Building. Amen!!!
Schedule will be posted later for upcoming events.